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What is Flatrock Weekly?

Flatrock Weekly is a short, quick, and readable weekly newsletter designed to get thought provoking solutions and ideas to Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) as fast as possible. If you’re a busy BCBA without the time to read every ABA journal article and attend every CEU event, then you’re in the right place!

What am I getting?

Each newsletter shows up in your inbox on Thursday/Friday of each week. Each edition features tidbits to chew on over the upcoming weekend. These informative morsels target three general areas—clinical concepts, intervention ideas, and professional development. Further, you’ll receive access to special reports, helpful links, and a plethora of additional resources to keep you ahead of the game!

Meanwhile, here are a few subscriber favorites!

Flatrock Weekly
Want success as a BCBA? 3 key areas to think about.
There certainly isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to wise words and BCBA success —don’t let the headline mislead you. But, like any desired behavior, there are a few prerequisites that increase the likelihood that you’ll succeed as a BCBA (and enjoy it too)! What is interesting is how these three things aren’t as technical or clinical as…
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Flatrock Weekly
How do I teach my learner to match? A few ideas!
Matching can be a tough skill to teach! Introducing picture-to-picture matching in small arrays OR 3D-to-3D item matching might not be enough for a learner as they can struggle identifying the salient features. 3D items that fit together consist of tactile features that set them apart from other, non-fitting identical items. Below is a list of possible …
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Flatrock Weekly
How a component analysis can reshape the way you introduce skills to your learners.
The difficulties in coming up with the right programs for your learner can be endless. Very few BCBAs know about or understand the utility in using a little thing called component analysis and how it can help them out in their goal writing. A component what? A component analysis isn’t just a process, but a paradigm for looking at skills…
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Dynamic ideas for forward-thinking BCBAs.


Creator of, editor of Flatrock Weekly, president and founder of Flatrock Advising, and Director of Quality Assurance for Grateful Care ABA