So, I get what you are saying, but, on the other hand imagine if other fields and disciplines worked with way? Say, for example, psychiatrists, psychologist, the pharmaceutical field? How many families do we know that go through round and round of drugs before they find something that maybe works a little, or some not at all? Or it works, but it doesn't last...could you imagine the professionals in those fields only billing for outcomes? The same thing for our field, imagine staff giving it their all, trying to work with a family, but only making minimal progress...would you still say that they can only bill for the outcome?

Now yes, I will admit that there are some field in which this has shown to work (lawyers, brokers, etc.) and it seems to work in those fields, but I really don't think it would work in ours...how do you put a price tag on an outcome? How do you operationally define the price equivalency of the outcome of a student? or even the hours needed to be put in for that specific outcome? Teaching one student to brush their teeth might be walk in the park, and for another studen simply getting them to hold the toothbrush is a struggle.

There has to be a balance between the outcomes, the leg work, and even the responsibility. Especially with the way billing works right now, is anyone keeping track of the tons of minutes here and minutes there that you spend extra on each of your students in order to bill? Even if it would be billable anyways with the new reqs.

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This is so important! I’m excited to see what BHCOE does with their partnership with Cigna and with Centene.

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Yes! With this partnership VBC/Clinical Quality could become incredibly relevant and quickly!

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I am excited to hopefully see the field turn to a VBC approach. I think it aligns well with our ethics and will help ensure QUALITY services are being implemented across the board. I believe it will help the field become more reputable and accepted across other healthcare providers/organizations.

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Agreed, Danielle! VBC ultimately will hold ABA more accountable from a clinical standpoint. That's not a bad thing! In fact, it has the potential to cajole our field into innovating more rapidly on clinical systems and behavioral technology for better clinical results. Results = Recognition = Reputation.

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